Interlibrary Loan
What is MelCat?
MelCat is a statewide catalog of books, CD's, DVD's and more. This gives readers an opportunity to obtain materials not available in our library. We feel that our patrons will appreciate being able to browse and select materials from other libraries at their convenience. Participating libraries have agreed to share their materials, creating a resource sharing system for the entire state of Michigan.
Who can use MelCat?
Patrons in good standing with a current 14 digit library card may use MelCat.
How do I use MelCat?
To request an Interlibrary Loan or browse the Mel catalog
- Click on the MEL link on this page. Select how you wish to search for material: keyword, title, author or series.
- Fill-in the Search For: and click on Find It.
When you have found your selection, click Get this for me. - The next screen will indicate what was requested and ask:
Which library card/account do you want to use?
Select Hartford Public Library from the drop down menu.
Click submit above information - Mel Login screen comes up next and asks for Your Account Information
Login by typing your first and last name on the first line and your 14 digit library card number on the second line. - If your request was successful, the last screen will say:
Your request for (Title/Author) was successful.
Item requested from (Lending Library name). - Your request will be delivered to the circulation desk at the Hartford Public Library. A staff member will call you when your item is ready.