What's Your Michigan Library Worth to You?

Individualized Return on Investment Calculator

Your Use Library Services Value of Services

The total value for the services you listed above = $

*Your personal return on investment is based on your responses and the typical annual tax contribution for your Michigan library. You see a returned value of $ for every one dollar invested.

Values used in the calculations above
Value of a book checked out at a library = $15
Value of a book borrowed through MeLCat = $12
Value of MeL eResource (per search) = $7.50
Value of a magazine read at a library = $5
Value of a magazine checked out at a library = $5
Value of a movie checked out at a library = $5
Value of a music recording checked out at a library = $10
Value of an audio book checked out at a library= $18
Value of an ebook/audio book downloaded from the library= $8
Value of a children's program at a library = $7
Value of a library program, such as a book club, for adults = $15
Value of a patron spending an hour on a library computer = $22.50
Value of a reference question at a library = $20
Value of general full-text articles accessed from a library's website or the Michigan eLibrary = $10
Value of academic full-text articles accessed from a library's website or the Michigan eLibrary = $35
Value for Michigan Activity Pass checked out at a library = $15
Value for College and K-12 Practice Exams and Courses through MeL.org = $300
Vocational Tests and Skill Building Courses = $109

Adapted from the Library Research Service Return on Investment calculator code.

You are seeing a returned value of $ for every one dollar invested!

Values updated at Library of Michigan August, 2014